What Our Boys need to thrive:

A holistic approach

A free class with Caroline Pekle Tuesday 6th of February at 12pm CET

“What our Boys need to thrive:
a wholistic approach”

when it come to parenting support the offers are often time specialised to the area of challenge: skin issue, sleep issue, crocked teeth, attention deficit, lack of cooperation, anger, anxiety, nights terrors… 

We keep compartmentalise many aspects of our life engaging with “specialists” that know only about their area of interest and have forgotten the interconnectedness of all. 

We have lost A holistic approach to life and for thriving life. 

Our existence is not defined by an accumulation of boxes sitting next to each other’s, it rather looks like a large tapestry of threads that interact in symbiosis

In this class we will be:

Exploring in depth the various aspect of what makes our children WHOLE: 

- Physiologically 
- Emotionally 
- Spiritually
By the end of the class, you will:

-understand the interconnectedness of all 

- know how to better support your son’s need 

- have a deeper compassion for our children

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What our Sons' need to thriveA free class
Tuesday 6th of February at 12pm CET


Tuesday 6th of February at 12pm CET

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